A countryside education- Getting it right

A countryside education- Getting it right

There are noted challenges to rural education and the current Covid-19 pandemic has clearly proven the obvious disadvantages that students in rural areas face compared to their urban counterparts.  Limited access to amenities, inferior facilities and sometimes even fewer or less qualified teachers are the major issues that schools in rural areas especially in the developing world face.

Over the last half a century, parents and the community at large in Kenya have played a major role in development and maintenance of schools. They have literally been involved in building of schools, the actual laying of bricks- brick-by-brick. The rural-urban migration that has taken place over the years has also led to private investors investing more in education in the big cities where the population has the ability to pay extra for private schooling. The hustle and bustle of the cities may be synonymous with development but many educators would agree that it may not be quite as conducive for learning as the great outdoors is.

When Peter and Jean Lavers heeded the calling to begin a Christian School in the Kenyan Highlands, most of Kenya was rural, learn more here https://www.standrewsturi.com/about-us/history/ .  90 years later, standing firm in the greenery of Nakuru County, St Andrew’s School, Turi is one of the very few ”rural”  international schools not just in Kenya but in the region.

Being in the countryside is one of the biggest advantages a Turi education has. For starters students, unlike their city counterparts do not spend hours in commute. The time spent crisscrossing cities like Nairobi is spent in sporting, artistic and personal development endeavours and sometimes even in reduced activity- they definitely get more rest!

The fresh air, space and minimal “noise” of the countryside combined with great facilities, effective administration and a strong educational philosophy are major contributors to the success Turi has seen for close to a century. 

 St Andrew’s School, Turi makes the case for country living and country learning. Go on a virtual tour of the School and see why


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